
Ventrilo - User Editor - Admin tab

Note: The options in this tab can only be changed by an account that has the "Server Admin" right assigned, or a client that has manually entered the global server admin password via the popup menu Server Admin -> Login option.

Server Admin

When checked this account will be automatically assigned Server Admin rights when they login.

When you first get your server you will most likely be logging in as a Guest and should create a new account for yourself that has the Server Admin right.

1) Right click in the main window and select Server Admin > Login
2) Enter the global server admin password.
3) Open the User Editor window and create a unique login name and password for yourself.
4) Select the Generic Admin profile and press load.
5) Click on the Admin tab and enable Server Admin and any other options you think you will need.
6) Click Add.

Now log out of the server. Modify your details for this server so that your account now has the unique password. Log back into the server and it should give you automatic Server Admin rights.

If you are the owner of the server you should never give the global admin password to anyone. Keep it for yourself in case of emergencies. You can assign Admin equivalent rights to ordinary Users without having to give them full Server Admin. Consequently, because an account has Server Admin doesn't mean that they have complete control. They would still need to enable the other options found on the Admin tab. Then again, if they have Server Admin they can assign themselves these options. Assign it sparingly and only to people you can trust.

If you revoked the Server Admin right for an account that is currently logged in then it will take effect as soon as you press the Update button. However, if you assign the Server Admin to an account that is already logged in then they must disconnect and reconnect for the server admin right to take effect.

Add Users

If checked the account is allowed to add new User accounts to the server. Unless this account also has the Server Admin right they will only be able to see User accounts created by them or for which ownership was transferred to them. This is one of the few Admin rights that is always functional if the account also has the Server Admin right. But it is still good for a Server Admin to enable this option for himself.

See also "Delete Users"

Delete Users

If checked the account is allowed to delete Users. Under normal conditions if you give an account "Add Users" then you would most likely give them "Delete Users" as well as they would only be able to delete those accounts that they have ownership of, unless they also have Server Admin.

See also "Add Users"

Ban Users

If checked the account is allowed to ban Users from the server. This right is required in order to use the Ban List window. Note: This is a server level ban and should not be confused with a channel level ban which is used by Channel Admin's.

Kick Users

If checked the account is allowed to kick Users from the server. Note: This is a server level kick and should not be confused with the channel level kick which is used by Channel Admin's.

Move Users

If checked the account is allowed to move Users from one channel to another assuming they have Channel Admin rights for the source and destination channels, or they have the Server Admin right.

Admin of Server Admins

If checked this account will be logged in as a Super Admin (aka: God Mode). Be careful when giving Users this permission as they will have absolute control of the server including the ability to modify and / or delete the regular Server Admins.

Assign / Edit channel Admin / Auth

If checked the account is allowed to assign Channel Admins to the accounts that he owns and only to channel / sub-channels for which he is already an admin for. The account will also be allowed to assign any of his owned accounts to channels that are configured for protected mode "User Authorization". If the account has Server Admin then he can assign any channel and root channels.

Assign Rank

If checked the account is allowed to assign a rank to any accounts that they create. Otherwise, they will need to ask a Server Admin to apply a rank to certain Users. Note: This option can be dangerous and should only be given to trusted Users.

Edit Ranks

If checked the account is allowed to Add, Edit and Delete ranks in the Rank list window. Note: This option can be dangerous and should only be given to trusted Users.


If checked the account is allowed to edit the normal MOTD that only those people with unique accounts on the server will see.

Edit Guest MOTD

If checked the account is allowed to edit the Guest MOTD that only a Guest account will see each time they connect to the server. Note: Guest MOTD is separate from the regular MOTD.

Issue RCon commands

If checked the account is allowed to issue "some" Remote Console commands. To issue all RCon commands and to see more detailed output from the responses an account will need Server Admin. It is strongly recommended that this feature be reserved for Server Admins only.

Edit Voice Targets

If checked the account is allowed to edit Voice Target groups. This feature is only available when connected to Pro servers.

Edit Commanding Targets

If checked the account is allowed to edit Commanding Target groups. This feature is only available when connected to Pro servers.

Assign Reserved

If checked the Admin that is creating/editing an account will be allowed to enable the "In Reserved List" (on the Network tab) for that account.